St Jude’s Anglican Church

Oudstshoorn | Diocese of George

Ministries and Outreach


Sunday School commences every Sunday during the Holy Eucharist.

St Jude’s has seven Altar Servers members and three lay persons serving as lay ministers.

In 2023, a Stewardship Committee was formed to see to the fundraisers of the church.

For enquiries with regards to the organizations, an email can be sent to and contact with regards to the Stewardship Committee can be made with Emily Jozaffe on 0766978085.

Goals for the year 2024

The goal set by the church council together with the rector of the parish and her parishioners is to see to the maintenance of the church property and buildings. The leakages on the church and rectory roof, have caused much water damage to the interior of the buildings. If anyone would like to make donation with regards to the maintenance of our church building, you are more than welcome to do so.

St Jude’s has also identified the need of giving back to the community at large. There are many vagrants and children walking the streets of Oudtshoorn. Even though this is social problem and considered to be the work of the department of Social development, the church must help by serving her community. We would like to in the near future start preparing meals for those who seldom have something to eat. This is an initiative that is intensely pursued by the Rector.

Since the Priest of the parish has three churches, St Jude’s, St John’s and Good Shepherd to minister to, and far distances to travel, it has become a reality that the parish should now appoint a secretary, as well as grounds men. With all these initiatives, the parish has made many efforts to raise funds. We hope that we would be able to accomplish these goals in 2024.